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The importance of the jewelry counters in the store must be aware of the stability of the selection of the counter, and the furnishings of the counter also have certain skills. The furnishings of the counter are the same as the color decoration of the counter. Interested in the product, how can the counter be placed to show their products and attract consumers? Drilling jewelry display cabinet store methods, firstly, consumers with strong shopping intentions.
Professional store production is based on mutual -related products that can bring simplicity to consumers. Specialty store -style planning has been widely used in malls. For example.
Multiple counters are surrounded by a small island, and there are light bands above all counter places above the jewelry showcase. It gives consumers a loose atmosphere, and consumers can pay for it, but from the point of view of space use, activity planning is worse than grid -based planning and professional store -type planning. The activity planning of the Nortic jewelry showcase is to make consumers planning for the focus.
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jewelry showcase manufacturers