DG Display Showcase Manufacturers & Suppliers - 25 Years DG Master of Custom Display Showcase +8613610079233 sales@degreefurniture.com
How to put the jewelry showcase to better set off your product. The showcase is good -looking according to the following five o'clock, but also attracts customers. 1.
Explanation: The various explanation materials of the jewelry showcase, such as price, goods number, fabric, brand, place of production, etc., should be comprehensive and authentic, which is convenient for consumers to fully understand jewelry jewelry 2. Reasonable: according to consumer psychological requirements and shopping habits For the same variety or the same series of jewelry showcases, it should be displayed in the same location.
The height of the display should be appropriate, easy to watch feelings, improve the visibility and positive visual effects of jewelry. Stainless steel jewelery showcases 3. Rich sense: Jewelry jewelry is a purchase of goods.
Consumers hope to have more opportunities to choose from when purchasing, so as to earnestly compare their quality, style, color, price, etc. During the display, it is neat and orderly, complete and rich in goods, making consumers feel that there is room for choice, and the store has a prosperous feeling! 4. Establishing: In order to attract consumers and facilitate consumers to visit and buy, retail stores should flexibly select the display site, display space, display location, stacking method, etc.
according to the characteristics of the product, so that customers can see at a glance at a glance. Stainless steel jewelery showcase 5. Art beauty: The display of jewelry display cabinets should be cleverly layout through artistic shapes and reflects each other through the premise of maintaining independent beauty.
The way to display should be novel and unique and clever, and it has an attractiveness that consumers can't stop. Pay attention to certain aesthetic principles, beautiful, generous, well -proportioned, coordinated, and can also use some accessories such as appropriately, and make full use of artistic methods to display the beauty of cosmetics. .
jewelry showcase manufacturers