DG Display Showcase Manufacturers & Suppliers - 26 Years DG Master of Custom Display Showcase +8613610079233
In the showcase market, whether it is the price of the showcase or the quality of the showcase, it can be said that the good and bad. Sometimes, the material is the same, and the appearance of the showcase is still possible. The price is far from the price.
Why is this? In fact, there are differences in the production process. 1. Selection of board: Choosing a high quality plate is the first factor to ensure the quality of the showcase.
Not only is it required to choose the quality of the board, but the applicability of the board also needs to be strictly selected. General exhibition cabinet board selection density fiber board. 2.
Selection of face -to -face process: Different plates require different decorative processes. For example, a beautiful wood and panel with beautiful texture, so you can choose to use the varnish for a long time. And the solid wood board with poor texture or ordinary splint surface without the panel, so you need to use hybrids for a long time.
3. Treatment of nail eyes: In the strict handling of nail eyes, it belongs to the category of paint workers. This requires a very rigorous attitude towards the color matching of putty, so as to make the color after coloring basically consistent with the wood surface, thereby covering these shortcomings.
The same treatment is also applicable to the treatment of tree festivals and tree scars. .
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